A physical unclonable function, or PUF, is a "digital fingerprint" that serves as a unique identity for a semiconductor device such as a microprocessor. PUFs are based on physical variations which occur naturally during semiconductor manufacturing, and which make it possible to differentiate between otherwise identical semiconductors. PUFs are usually utilized in cryptography. A physical unclonable function (sometimes also called physically unclonable function) is a physical entity that is embodied in a physical structure. Today, PUFs are usually implemented in integrated circuits and are typically used in applications with high security requirements.
The chip's unique birthmark iUnique technology is based on the physical non-cloning technology PUF, which uses the random characteristics of each chip to generate a random key or security ID, which is the "fetal birthmark" unique to each chip, and addresses the root of trust of the system.
Root of trust, unclonable, chip dependent ID with unique static and dynamic signature behavior in each chip
Process dependent, fully invisible, root of trust
Support 0.18um, 0.13um, 55nm, 40nm, 28nm, 14nm
Small Area: 0.02mm2 (140um x 140um) @SMIC 55nm
Low power consumption: 50uA for read and 0.1uA static
PUF size: 64 to 256 bits (could extend to 1K bit)
No need for special mask layer, single core voltage supply
Can be used in secure wireless communication, network authentication, device pairing, secure IoT, secure flash storage, bank card/sim card etc
Large inter-hamming-duistance / Small intra-hamming-distance
Simple integration with pre-assembled hard-macro
Fully customized solutions
Small die size
PUF Encrypted eFlash
Encrypted PUF Flash for bank card
Secure 4G LTE IC